Make a referral professionals

Young Parents Outreach

To refer a young parent to our outreach service please download the referral form below.

We accept outreach support referrals for young mums and dads. We can also begin working with young mums and dads during pregnancy.

We can offer outreach support for young mums in Lambeth who are under 24

We can support young dads either under 24 or who have children under the age of 2.5 years (The young dad’s service also accepts referrals from dads outside of Lambeth)

Our family residential assessment centre

Please email us to find out more about our residential family assessment centres, whether we have vacancies and the referral process and timescales.

You can also download our referral form below. Please note, we only accept referrals from the social work team working with the family, we are unable to accept referrals from solicitors or parents directly. Please note we do not accept emergency referrals.

Our Jigsaw Contact Centre

To refer a family to our NACCC accredited supervised contact centre, please download the referral form below.

Our Caring Dads Programme

Dads can pay to take part in this 17 week programme (there are some discounts available based on individual circumstances).

Social workers in Lambeth can refer dads to this service for free as we have an agreement with the Lambeth Council. Please download the referal form below.

Securing Change Programme

This service is available to parents who have had a Family assessment at one of our centres

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